Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sumo Line Dancing

go here since I don't know how to bring it to you in my's hillarious!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My New Juicer!

So, I used to have access to a juicer...a Jack LeLane. I LOVED it. I've been wanting another for quite some time but it was either always an issue of time or space, etc. NOW I GOT ONE!!! After some contemplation and research I found my NEW juicer that I HIGHLY recommend to everyone!

And I wanted everyone to see why this one is the best (not just because it looks mighty in the photo) but becasue it has MORE POWER!!! And 2 speeds...yes, that's right...2!!

Go to the link and scroll down about 1/2 way. I tried to paste it here but apparently I'm not smart enough...OH well...just get one :)

Oh...BTW...I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond. It was priced at 149.99 but I had a 20% off coupon which are pretty easy to come's SO worth it!