Saturday, May 24, 2008 last!!!

I finally got my wall hangings finished and hung! I think they turned out pretty good. My sister did this amazing bird for her interior design portfolio that I stole and used for the living room...thanks sister!!! The Texas room needs more stuff but is starting to come together! it is!

Living Room...

Texas Room

Next up...curtains!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Major Update

I've had a major update on my blog tonight. Woo Hoo! Unfortunately, I still haven't posted any wedding pictures...but...they're coming.
So, I adjust the times so as you scroll down they'll be in order from last saturday to this morning...7 posts to be exact. Ok, enjoy, life is good!!!

Flower Planting Time!

Yippee! It's been slow coming, but I think we're finaly (mostly) in the clear. Last weekend I took a couple of hours and planted all my flowers I got with my sister. Here they are growing slowly on my porch...

So, in the week since I planted them it snowed again but they're survivors...and some are starting to bud. I also have strawberry plants I put inside until it gets warm all the time and I'm growing tomoates...I hope...those are still little seeds. I love spring!!!

Nothing Like Shoes

Somehow shoes seem to do it for me lately. I hate all of my clothes, but since I have cute shoes I feel fine about it. Maybe it's the change in season? Anyway, I wanted to share my latest 3 additions to the family...compliments of girls night out in Park City last weekend and my husbands credit card (I love being married!!!) ...

Celebration Continued!

So then, to continue the nice weather and a day when Daniel and I didn't have anywhere to go for once, we decided to go for a drive up the canyon...only...

There's still 50 feet of snow up there. It's kind of funny how you always think that how the weather is where you are it should be everywhere. I know it's winter in the mountains 1 month before and after the valley, but somehow a canyon drive still seemed like a good idea.

So, on the way back home, we found this nice park and decided to lay around for a bit and then walk the trails...

and there was this cute little bench.

Then, further along the trail was this cute little tree and a few flowers. It looked like someone cut a branch off a pine tree and stuck it in the ground, but it's a tree for real, growing and everything...

Trying Something New

So then, later in the week on a whim I decided I wanted to know more about ear candeling...something I had heard about a couple years ago. I asked my friend Matt if he had heard of it before and he had actually done it!!! So off to the store we went and I came home with 2 sets of ear candles or cones. They're these wierd kind of long hollow candles with a cone on the bottom that you put in your ears. The heat and the seal work to pull nasty stuff out of your ears.'s Daniel doing it

When it burns down to a couple of inches from your head you take it out, cut it open and see all the sick stuff. The dark orange I thnk is wax and then there's all of this dusty stuff that I'm not sure what it is but Daniel had a lot and I had a little.

(My 2 are on the left and Daniel's are on the right...sick, I can't believe I'm showing these)

It was a wierd sort of feeling. I've had a lot of fluid in my ears and I could really feel something in my throat like drainage when I was doing it. It felt itchy and tickly at the same time...weird stuff. The next morning I really felt like the drained side was a lot clearer. I'm excited to try it again.

Friday Night Date Night

The Jazz game was on, tickets sold out before we could get them, so we decided it was a good night to stay home. I could get things done and Daniel could watch the, win!

Top on my priority list was assembling my new little grill. When I bought it I didn't know...

a) assembly required

b) it was square

c) and larger than I originally thought.

Anyway, it took a lot longer to put it together too, but here it is...finished and ready to use! BBQ anyone? I'm so excited to use it on my patio, camping in Moab, and wherever else we go, etc etc. Yea for BBQing!

I'm Now Ready

So, yesterday I was out with my friend Somana and I saw the Emergency Essentials store of which I have a gift certificate to (thanks Deanna and Jalynn!)

I was going to go after dropping off Somana but she was a good sport to go with me on a new adventure of Emergency Preparedness.

Here's my top purchase...and I now feel fully equipped to take on any emergency...

haha...ok, seriously, who hasn't honestly wondered where they would take care of business if there were an emergency? Well, come on over to my house...I'm

Don't think that's the only thing I got though...I also got stuff that's for real...powdered milk that I hope I never have to use, dried apple slices x I've dipped into already and Somana thanks me and is now addicted. I'll be purchasing her 2 cans on my next visit. Also, 2 cans of granola, and one can of cream of wheat cereal. All of which, are good, I recommend and now I'm not affraid of turning it over...we'll eat it and replace it before 5 years.

I also found these super cool tooth brushes that have a twist knob that puts tooth paste from the handle into the brush. These struck me as such a good idea that I purchased 4. 2 for emergencies, 2 for camping, travleing, etc. Check back later for a report on how well these work. Well, here's the image you've been waiting for...the other purchased items.

Hair Cut Anyone?

I'm a real life hair cutter!!! I've been cutting my grandma's hair for a couple times now and today I cut Daniel's. He was super brave to let me do it, but it was so long I couldn't take it anymore. It turned out great and his fameous words were
"you did better than I thought you would"
Yippee!!! I can buy more shoes now because I'm saving his hair cut money!!! Photo of his cut to come soon...I forgot to take pictures of the process. Yippee, Yippee, Yippee!!!