Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My new year resolution is to be a better blogger. My sister puts me to shame because she is so good. Oh, and I finally signed up for facebook! Wow, I'm well accomplished recently.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
4:40 AM
4:40 AM Daniel wakes up saying the door bell is ringing
I think he's dreaming and ask if he's sure. He looks out the window and says it's a Dr. who sells detox stuff for us outside. The door bell rings twice.
I'm livid!!!! 1 - I'm getting woke up and Daniel says it's already happend 4 times! This guy is not going away
2- Daniel got woke up and there's no reason he should be dealing with this guy
I answer the door...mostly awake but livid. He needs post cards. The brochures I left weren't enough. I give him 10 still having not said a word and he asks for more exclaiming he's hit a gold mine with a spa and he's going to teach someone how to recruit with the cards...which are for chiropractors NOT spas!!!!!!!!
I tell him I have no more, that the ones he has are for chiros and not spas and not to come to my house or call my phone before 7 am anymore! (the night before he was outside looking for the brochures and couldn't find them so called)
Are you serious? I know this sounds like a dream but it was VERY real. Who does stuff like that? and at 4 in the morning? I couldn't fall asleep again. I considered going to the gym...Daniel said just lay there and I'll fall hour later...I should have just got up.
Saturday, May 24, 2008 last!!!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Major Update
So, I adjust the times so as you scroll down they'll be in order from last saturday to this morning...7 posts to be exact. Ok, enjoy, life is good!!!
Flower Planting Time!
Nothing Like Shoes
Celebration Continued!
There's still 50 feet of snow up there. It's kind of funny how you always think that how the weather is where you are it should be everywhere. I know it's winter in the mountains 1 month before and after the valley, but somehow a canyon drive still seemed like a good idea.
So, on the way back home, we found this nice park and decided to lay around for a bit and then walk the trails...
and there was this cute little bench.
Then, further along the trail was this cute little tree and a few flowers. It looked like someone cut a branch off a pine tree and stuck it in the ground, but it's a tree for real, growing and everything...
Trying Something New
When it burns down to a couple of inches from your head you take it out, cut it open and see all the sick stuff. The dark orange I thnk is wax and then there's all of this dusty stuff that I'm not sure what it is but Daniel had a lot and I had a little.
(My 2 are on the left and Daniel's are on the right...sick, I can't believe I'm showing these)
It was a wierd sort of feeling. I've had a lot of fluid in my ears and I could really feel something in my throat like drainage when I was doing it. It felt itchy and tickly at the same time...weird stuff. The next morning I really felt like the drained side was a lot clearer. I'm excited to try it again.
Friday Night Date Night
I'm Now Ready
Hair Cut Anyone?
"you did better than I thought you would"
Yippee!!! I can buy more shoes now because I'm saving his hair cut money!!! Photo of his cut to come soon...I forgot to take pictures of the process. Yippee, Yippee, Yippee!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sumo Line Dancing
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My New Juicer!
And I wanted everyone to see why this one is the best (not just because it looks mighty in the photo) but becasue it has MORE POWER!!! And 2 speeds...yes, that's right...2!!
Go to the link and scroll down about 1/2 way. I tried to paste it here but apparently I'm not smart enough...OH well...just get one :)
Oh...BTW...I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond. It was priced at 149.99 but I had a 20% off coupon which are pretty easy to come's SO worth it!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bad Luck
1. The lady who altered Katherine Heigle's wedding dress was going to do mine. She passed away on Saturday. My condolences to her family. I'm now in search of a new emergency seamstress (not easy to come by)
2. I got stuck in the snow then hit a ditch then fell in 3 feet of snow within 1o minutes of each other. (this was just tonight...don't laugh...this is seriously not a laughing matter) at least falling didn't hurt
Vancouver Vid
Thanks Matt! for getting this posted. It had to be cut down a tich so it doesn't flow the same as the original, but you get it. Enjoy!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
When it Snows
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Global Warming...Seriously?
Monday, January 14, 2008
Fleece Sheets
I've never slept better than in my fleece (not flannel) sheets. They're so warm and cozy. I have no problem sleeping comfortably through the night. It's like sleeping on a warm sunny cloud. How have I lived without them for so long?
Monday, January 7, 2008
Vancouver Movie
Just kidding....I think it's too big to put here. Matt's going to put it on uTube and then I'll blog the link. Sorry....I know y'all are on the edge of your seats!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Still Gone
Friday, January 4, 2008
Farewell Vancouver - Top 5 things to do in Vancouver
Top 5 things to do/see in Vancouver:
1. Eat at Glowbal restaurant
2. Visit the Capilano Bridge (only if you have discounted passes though)
3. Ski Whistler!!!
4. Stay at least 1 night in Squamish at the Howe Sound Inn and Brewery
5. Stanley Park
6. Eat at Glowbal restaurant - they have the best appi's (go to vancouver to know what I'm talking about)
Ok, that's more than 5. I could think of more, but just ask if you're going to go for real...I have more things to blog about!